Available For Bid!

AVAILABLE FOR BID! – Illinois & Indiana Swine Facilities For Sale- Offers Due by June 26th

Growthland is representing WIN Productions, LLC in the sale of their swine facility assets.

Offers due by June 26th, 2024.

  • 16,200 sow spaces between Illinois & Indiana
    • Three sow farms in Illinois for a total of 11,200 spaces
    • Two sow farms in Indiana for a total of 5,000 spaces
    • Main feature is a 7,500 head sow unit with 6 plus mile setback from other pigs
    • Indiana sow farms have no documented major health outbreaks (PRRS, etc.)
  • Three finishing sites in Illinois for a total of 17,830 spaces
  • Headquarters location with an office, warehouse, truck wash, drying bay, and shop
  • Rolling stock associated with the individual properties
  • General location of Illinois facilities near Griggsville
  • Indiana sow farms located near Petersberg and Lyons

Other key items

  • Located in low pig dense areas, specifically compared to Western Corn Belt
  • Illinois and Indiana permitting laws allow for expansion with less requirements as compared to building new
  • Prospects can make offers on individual properties or the whole operation

Next Steps





Call to Set Up Site Showings For Next Week!

Monday, June 10th – Friday, June 14th


City : Illinois & Indiana

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